The three best things in this book were that 1)When he went off to war. 2)When hes mom was packing for him. 3)When they were healing his "red badge of courage" from when he got hit on the head with the gun when the guy hit him.
the three best things about this book was it was real, made you feel like you were there and they discribed the battles. The three things i didn't like was the diolog, when they were at the camps and when he talked about picket duty.
Best 1. I thought it was realistic and wasn't romanticized. 2.Well... It was the part when he became the vetern. 3.When he left he stopped by the school to show his bravery. Worst 1. Hard to understand. 2.Cofusing 3.Some parts were pretty boring
BEST: The fighting, when he asked his mom if he could join the war, all the gore Challenging: It is really hard to read, really hard to keep up with it, its hard to read so much in a night
There were several things in this book that I liked a lot. The three that i liked best were: how the authur didn't romantasize the war, the detailed descriptions, and how the book described not only the battles fought in the war, but also an internal struggle for one of the soldiers. By reading this book I was really able to get inside Henry's head and understand what it felt like to be a soldier. Those are the three things that i liked best.
There were also some things that I didn't like about the book. They were: the text was written in an old fashoned way that made it hard to understand what was going on, the way the spoken words were spelled incorrectly, and the way that you never got to see if Henry survived and went back home to his mother. Those were the three things that I disliked about this book.
1)I liked the way it was so descriptive (sometimes, look at #3 on next list) 2)The fights 3)I can't think of 3...
1.I didn't like the constant use of big words. 2.It was hard to follow who was saying what 3.I didn't like the way that sometimes when he was describing something he made it sound like a completely different story, it was confusing, for example dragons.
I would like to read a newer version of this book written for 8th graders, not college graduates.
I really liked how it showed that you may not be very brave when you first start out but in the end you gain courage. Henry ran away on his first battle but towards the end of the book he gains courage and fights i thought that was really cool. I also liked how descriptive it was. It was almost like you were there watching what was happening. Another thing that i liked was they added the people's accents to what they were saying. I didnt like that it was hard to understand. I didnt know what a lot of the words meant so sometimes i had touble comprehending what it was talking about. I also didnt like how it dragged a lot of stuff out. Oh and i didnt like that it took me so long to read. I normally dont read that kind of material (war stuff) so i had a hard time sticking to it; it didnt hold my attention.
1. The war 2. The country boy in him 3. The other mens stories The worst 1.Before war 2.The word was hard to read 3.Him thinking he'll be in the history books Ben Tyler
The best part of this book was easily the battles. I think that the language and commentary was hard to understand. Also Henry's thoughts were confusing. And the chapters are too short.
The three most enjoyable things in the book was...
1. How in this book they give you the honest down to earth facts. It was not romanticized and people actually see how the war is supposed to be. It gives people an actual view of war.
2. Second, I liked when it shows Henry coming out of his "childhood" and becoming a man and an amazing soilder.
3. I liked the emotion the author puts into the book. It shows what people really thought when they were in battle, and when they were in pain. The author wasn't like "all these people are happy and brave even when they are about to die..."
The three Cons or things i did not like about the book...
1.I did not like how the book was writen in such old english. even listening to it, it was very hard to understand.
2. the book seemed to switch back and forth,and not stay on the same subject so much that you were let in the dust and had no clue what had just happened.
3. Eventhough it is good that the author put in enough detail to show war as it really is i didn't like the gory detail.
THIS BOOK IS PRO WAR i think which is based on the fact that they don't glorify it but show that it is good and helps the country. Personally i also feel that war is a part of life and is nesscacery at times to take care of things. People need to go fight war to stand up for their country.
1. The three best things in this book in my opinion were one they didn't censor any of the battles and it had a lot of vivid descriptions,two henry finally won the war,and three thr end was a pround moment of "manhood" for henry.
2. The three most challengeing parts of this book were, one the dialog was difficult to understand, sometimes it was hard to understand what was going on, and three since it was in a different time they spelled words wrong.
The 3 best parts were when he left for war, the battles, and the running away part. The 3 worst parts were the way it is written, the part begining (before the went to his first battle), and the roman numerals.
One of the best things in the book was watching Henry mature throught the book. I also really liked it when Henry did get the courgage to battle. The fact that Henry had friends made the story better too. I liked this story because it showed the true side of war not just the heros and good stuff. I enjoyed reading the slang that the soldiers used as well.
At times, the events happenning in the story got confusing like while they were at battle one minute and the next paragraph they were out of the battle marching again. Sometimes some of the things the soldiers said confused me a little bit too.
The best parts of the book were: 1)When Henry went off to war and was like the hero of his school. 2)How in the end Henry didn't die when they won the war. 3)And also how in the begining Henry's mom packs his stuff for him even though she doesn't want him to go to war, to me thats cool bucause she must think he is doing something honerable
The worst parts for me were: 1)How the book was so hard to understand because the writer actually made the people talk in the book how they really talked.
The things i liked most about The Red Badge of Courage is that the author didn't leave anyhing out, he did not romantisize the book. Also, I liked how the author did descirbed not only the fighting part of the book but also what was going on inside of the soilders' minds. Another thing I liked was the detail that the author used to describe every little detail.
Somethings i didn't like in the Red Badge of Courage is the text that the author used. The words were not spelled correctly and it was very hard to understand. It was also hard to tell who was talking at times. The book, over all was very confusing and the ending just left you hanging, you don't know if henry lived and went back home.
BEST: 1. The book is very discriptive and paints me a good picture in my head of what it is like around. 2. The author doesn't narrorate from just one persons point of view, so you get to see what the others are thinking. 3. That war can be heroic even when it is gory and violent. It takes bravery to stand up and fight for something that you want.
LEAST ENJOYABLE: 1. I can't understand the vocabulary very much. It isn't very easy reading. 2. The author writes how they used to talk which is hard to understand sometimes. 3. The roman numerals take a while to comprehend.
The Best parts for me were: 1. The perctive the writer gives is interesting, like why he calls Henrey the youth. 2How in the begging, his mom is sad, not angery when he goes 3. The Drama in the book The worst parts for me were: How dificult the book was to understand. One minute he would be doing something and then he would be thinking about someting and doing nothing.
1. In my opinion the three best parts about this book, The Red Badge Of Courage, is that it really shows what happens in the Civil War to these people. Also getting to know how the men fought in the battle during the war was really fun to read. Seeing how the men felt going through the war was mind boggling to me. I never thought people were like that during a war. 2. The challenging part about the book is that it was written in the way these men talked. I couldn't always tell what people were saying.What I didn't like about the book is that it talked about the regiments walking more than fighting. That was boring. The gore in the book was not one of my best parts that I wanted to read too.
1 the book tells you what really happens 2 the book is not all fairy tales and ponys and stuff 3 it show you a true image of what the army is like 1 the book has to many parts where the soldiers talk about running away 2 henry lies about getting hurt 3 the army gets way to scared
1:i didnt especially think this book had any good parts. but that is just my opinion
2:what was most challenging for me was tge transitions in the book. it seemed to be very choppy and it was hard to follow. another thing that was challenging was the language in which it was written. i had to read some parts many times before i would understand it. ♥
the three things i liked was when he was a barbarian, took the flag and he rose his comerades confidenced.and the things i hatted was henry talking all the time, there should have been more fighting and less of henry desxcribing it.
The three best parts of this book for me where... 1.) that henry went off to war and the author didnt fantisize the mental image of war, he laid it down on the table and it was a bit gory but it wasnt fake. 2.)I also liked all the honor and bravery shown. 3.) i liked how henry was so afraid and he thought he was going to be the worst then turns out to be one of the best.
One thing that i both liked and disliked about this book is that it was written so descriptively. I liked it because it sounded new to me, but it was so difficult, that it was difficult to understand and to follow. There werent many parts that i liked, but then again, i'm not into these kinds of books, so. I didnt like how choppy it was, how just out there it was, and i didn't like that it took so long to get to the point. Also, it was hard to understand.
the best 1 the fighting, all of the battles were good 2 when he becomes friends with wilson 3 when he lies and says he got shot the worst 1 when the were marching 2 when he was alone 3 in the begining when he wanted to go to war
Overall, the parts I liked most about this book were the beginning and the end. Really- any part that I really I guess I also liked the part where Henry pretended to get shot; because I actually knew what was going on. At the beginning, I liked the setting and the family struggle; whereas at the end I enjoyed the triumphant journey into manhood for the youth.
Now for the dislikes...To be honest, for the most part of the book, I wasn't a fan. Aside from the older English, the writing was hard to follow and just choppy. For a lot of the time I didn't have a clue- even with spark notes and the audio. But I guess it was written in 45 mins? Well, good for him. But not so good for the critical minds of us students...
1)I think that the part i like the most was when he was leaving and his mom was packing his things it was like she finnaly came around and actually realized that he was going to leave and she kind of excepted that and didd her best. 2) The three most challenging things about this book was that it was kind of hard for me to read it all sounded like a bunch of giberish but i tried and it was an ok book.
my favorite part of the book was when henry goes back to his school to show that he join d the army the second best was when he is leaveing to the army and his mom packs his stuff the 3 thing would be when they go to there 1st battle
the woste part of this book would be when the people are getting shot 2nd the language that he wrote it in 3 the vocabulary was hard to understand
I thought that a great thing about this book was it was written in the perpective of not just one person, but a narrorator. And i thought that was cool. And it did a really good job on making it so that everything was realistic, and not overexagerated. A bad thing about this book was, when you were trying to listen to the way they were speaking, their slang was very different then ours, and so i was very unsure about what was going on.
The best things about the book in my opinion were the discriptions,The creative slang,and the vocabulary words. The worst things about the book in my opinion were the uses of unfamilliar phrases,the sttoryline, and the roman numerals for the chapters.
Three things i liked about the book was 1. how it wasnt romanticized 2. it had what Henry was thinking about how he couldn't decide if he would run or if he would stay and fight the battle 3. i liked how they didn't take out any of the gruesome parts they just said what happened
three challenging things or enjoyable things that happened in this book were 1. he had to leave his mom 2. they did't romanticise it so it was gruesome 3. his friend died i wouldn't want that to happen to me
1.i think one was the gory parts, one was the part where they took the flag from the other side and the last one is where they escaped from battle
ReplyDeleteThe three best things in this book were that
ReplyDelete1)When he went off to war.
2)When hes mom was packing for him.
3)When they were healing his "red badge of courage" from when he got hit on the head with the gun when the guy hit him.
I worked with Bertha on that comment
ReplyDelete1. The fightings
2. The ending
3. The part where the lady owned a soldier to get her horse back.
Most Challanging:
1. Henry's thoughts because always get confusing to me.
2. The words they say in old times
3. Reading about 4 chapters a night
The 3 most challenging things were
ReplyDelete1)It's hard to understand their accent.
2)Hard to understand whats going on, because they change subject quickly
~Haydyn & Bertha
The three best things about the book were in the end Henry won, Henry didn't die, and the ending
ReplyDeleteThe most challenging thing was understanding what the people were trying to say.
1. When his mom packed the jam.
ReplyDelete2. When Henry took the flag for the dead solider.
3. The part when the book ended.
I don't really like this book because it was hard to understand.
The 3 best things were:
2)where one of the soliders told the lady to throw a stick at him for trying to steal a horse.
3)When they took the other sides flag
The 3 more challenging things were:
1) I couldn't tell who was talking in the wrtiting.
2) He changed the subject to often!
3) Understanding the way they spoke!
the three best things about this book was it was real, made you feel like you were there and they discribed the battles.
ReplyDeleteThe three things i didn't like was the diolog,
when they were at the camps and when he talked about picket duty.
ReplyDelete1. I thought it was realistic and wasn't romanticized.
2.Well... It was the part when he became the vetern.
3.When he left he stopped by the school to show his bravery.
1. Hard to understand.
3.Some parts were pretty boring
1) The three best things I tink of this book is 1. The way the auther speaks
ReplyDelete2. The decscibtion he gives
3. How he makes the seens come to life
2) The three most challengeing are:
1. The way the charectors speak
2. The way they spell words
3. How the story jumps form place to place
i liked when
ReplyDelete1. his moms little speech
2. when henry realizes that the battle was over and everyone was laughing at him
3. when he took the flag
it was hard to read
ReplyDelete1. he goes to war.
2. Henry's mom shows him how much she loves him by packing stuff for him.
3. the ending
1. hard to understand
2. changing topics
ReplyDeleteThe fighting, when he asked his mom if he could join the war, all the gore
It is really hard to read, really hard to keep up with it, its hard to read so much in a night
ReplyDeleteThere were several things in this book that I liked a lot. The three that i liked best were: how the authur didn't romantasize the war, the detailed descriptions, and how the book described not only the battles fought in the war, but also an internal struggle for one of the soldiers. By reading this book I was really able to get inside Henry's head and understand what it felt like to be a soldier. Those are the three things that i liked best.
There were also some things that I didn't like about the book. They were: the text was written in an old fashoned way that made it hard to understand what was going on, the way the spoken words were spelled incorrectly, and the way that you never got to see if Henry survived and went back home to his mother. Those were the three things that I disliked about this book.
1)I liked the way it was so descriptive (sometimes, look at #3 on next list)
ReplyDelete2)The fights
3)I can't think of 3...
1.I didn't like the constant use of big words.
2.It was hard to follow who was saying what
3.I didn't like the way that sometimes when he was describing something he made it sound like a completely different story, it was confusing, for example dragons.
I would like to read a newer version of this book written for 8th graders, not college graduates.
1.when he left for battel
ReplyDelete1.when they got the flag
I really liked how it showed that you may not be very brave when you first start out but in the end you gain courage. Henry ran away on his first battle but towards the end of the book he gains courage and fights i thought that was really cool. I also liked how descriptive it was. It was almost like you were there watching what was happening. Another thing that i liked was they added the people's accents to what they were saying.
ReplyDeleteI didnt like that it was hard to understand. I didnt know what a lot of the words meant so sometimes i had touble comprehending what it was talking about. I also didnt like how it dragged a lot of stuff out. Oh and i didnt like that it took me so long to read. I normally dont read that kind of material (war stuff) so i had a hard time sticking to it; it didnt hold my attention.
1. The war
ReplyDelete2. The country boy in him
3. The other mens stories
The worst
1.Before war
2.The word was hard to read
3.Him thinking he'll be in the history books
Ben Tyler
The best parts of this book were the battles. The language in the book was was very hard to undestand though.
ReplyDeletei think the three best parts of the book are:
ReplyDelete1.the first good thing about this is that he went wild in war
2. the second best is when wilson and henery are called the best in the reigement
3. and thrid is when wilson and henery both jump for the flag at the same time and there reigement wins.
the three worst things were:
1. the first worst thing is that he ran away and didnt go back until he heard the sound of war.
2. the second worst thing is that he lied about getting shot in the head just to get out of his problems.
3. third thing is that in the battle when he wen t crazy he only did it out of fear not bravery.
The best part of this book was easily the battles. I think that the language and commentary was hard to understand. Also Henry's thoughts were confusing. And the chapters are too short.
ReplyDeleteThe three most enjoyable things in the book was...
ReplyDelete1. How in this book they give you the honest down to earth facts. It was not romanticized and people actually see how the war is supposed to be. It gives people an actual view of war.
2. Second, I liked when it shows Henry coming out of his "childhood" and becoming a man and an amazing soilder.
3. I liked the emotion the author puts into the book. It shows what people really thought when they were in battle, and when they were in pain. The author wasn't like "all these people are happy and brave even when they are about to die..."
The three Cons or things i did not like about the book...
1.I did not like how the book was writen in such old english. even listening to it, it was very hard to understand.
2. the book seemed to switch back and forth,and not stay on the same subject so much that you were let in the dust and had no clue what had just happened.
3. Eventhough it is good that the author put in enough detail to show war as it really is i didn't like the gory detail.
THIS BOOK IS PRO WAR i think which is based on the fact that they don't glorify it but show that it is good and helps the country. Personally i also feel that war is a part of life and is nesscacery at times to take care of things. People need to go fight war to stand up for their country.
ReplyDelete1)Audio of book
2)Endding of the book
3)Good discriptions
1)Hard to read
2)The begining of the book
3)Hennry relating the war to the myths of greek wars
1. The three best things in this book in my opinion were one they didn't censor any of the battles and it had a lot of vivid descriptions,two henry finally won the war,and three thr end was a pround moment of "manhood" for henry.
ReplyDelete2. The three most challengeing parts of this book were, one the dialog was difficult to understand, sometimes it was hard to understand what was going on, and three since it was in a different time they spelled words wrong.
The 3 best parts were when he left for war, the battles, and the running away part. The 3 worst parts were the way it is written, the part begining (before the went to his first battle), and the roman numerals.
ReplyDeleteOne of the best things in the book was watching Henry mature throught the book. I also really liked it when Henry did get the courgage to battle. The fact that Henry had friends made the story better too. I liked this story because it showed the true side of war not just the heros and good stuff. I enjoyed reading the slang that the soldiers used as well.
ReplyDeleteAt times, the events happenning in the story got confusing like while they were at battle one minute and the next paragraph they were out of the battle marching again. Sometimes some of the things the soldiers said confused me a little bit too.
The best parts of the book were:
ReplyDelete1)When Henry went off to war and was like the hero of his school.
2)How in the end Henry didn't die when they won the war.
3)And also how in the begining Henry's mom packs his stuff for him even though she doesn't want him to go to war, to me thats cool bucause she must think he is doing something honerable
The worst parts for me were:
1)How the book was so hard to understand because the writer actually made the people talk in the book how they really talked.
The things i liked most about The Red Badge of Courage is that the author didn't leave anyhing out, he did not romantisize the book. Also, I liked how the author did descirbed not only the fighting part of the book but also what was going on inside of the soilders' minds. Another thing I liked was the detail that the author used to describe every little detail.
ReplyDeleteSomethings i didn't like in the Red Badge of Courage is the text that the author used. The words were not spelled correctly and it was very hard to understand. It was also hard to tell who was talking at times. The book, over all was very confusing and the ending just left you hanging, you don't know if henry lived and went back home.
ReplyDelete1. The book is very discriptive and paints me a good picture in my head of what it is like around.
2. The author doesn't narrorate from just one persons point of view, so you get to see what the others are thinking.
3. That war can be heroic even when it is gory and violent. It takes bravery to stand up and fight for something that you want.
1. I can't understand the vocabulary very much. It isn't very easy reading.
2. The author writes how they used to talk which is hard to understand sometimes.
3. The roman numerals take a while to comprehend.
The Best parts for me were:
ReplyDelete1. The perctive the writer gives is interesting, like why he calls Henrey the youth.
2How in the begging, his mom is sad, not angery when he goes
3. The Drama in the book
The worst parts for me were:
How dificult the book was to understand. One minute he would be doing something and then he would be thinking about someting and doing nothing.
1. In my opinion the three best parts about this book, The Red Badge Of Courage, is that it really shows what happens in the Civil War to these people. Also getting to know how the men fought in the battle during the war was really fun to read. Seeing how the men felt going through the war was mind boggling to me. I never thought people were like that during a war.
ReplyDelete2. The challenging part about the book is that it was written in the way these men talked. I couldn't always tell what people were saying.What I didn't like about the book is that it talked about the regiments walking more than fighting. That was boring. The gore in the book was not one of my best parts that I wanted to read too.
The best were: The worst:
ReplyDelete1.battles 1.Roman numerals
2.description 2.the way he wrote it
3. intensity 3.The vocab was hard
1 the book tells you what really happens 2 the book is not all fairy tales and ponys and stuff 3 it show you a true image of what the army is like 1 the book has to many parts where the soldiers talk about running away 2 henry lies about getting hurt 3 the army gets way to scared
ReplyDelete1.when henry goes to the school
ReplyDelete2.when henry takes the flag
ReplyDelete1.when the book was finished
2.when henry went to school
3.when henry had his first battle
1.the battles ppl died
1:i didnt especially think this book had any good parts. but that is just my opinion
ReplyDelete2:what was most challenging for me was tge transitions in the book. it seemed to be very choppy and it was hard to follow.
another thing that was challenging was the language in which it was written. i had to read some parts many times before i would understand it.
the three things i liked was when he was a barbarian, took the flag and he rose his comerades confidenced.and the things i hatted was henry talking all the time, there should have been more fighting and less of henry desxcribing it.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletehtml works on here FYI
ReplyDeleteThe three best parts of this book for me where...
ReplyDelete1.) that henry went off to war and the author didnt fantisize the mental image of war, he laid it down on the table and it was a bit gory but it wasnt fake.
2.)I also liked all the honor and bravery shown.
3.) i liked how henry was so afraid and he thought he was going to be the worst then turns out to be one of the best.
One thing that i both liked and disliked about this book is that it was written so descriptively. I liked it because it sounded new to me, but it was so difficult, that it was difficult to understand and to follow. There werent many parts that i liked, but then again, i'm not into these kinds of books, so. I didnt like how choppy it was, how just out there it was, and i didn't like that it took so long to get to the point. Also, it was hard to understand.
ReplyDeletethe best
ReplyDelete1 the fighting, all of the battles were good
2 when he becomes friends with wilson
3 when he lies and says he got shot
the worst
1 when the were marching
2 when he was alone
3 in the begining when he wanted to go to war
Overall, the parts I liked most about this book were the beginning and the end. Really- any part that I really I guess I also liked the part where Henry pretended to get shot; because I actually knew what was going on. At the beginning, I liked the setting and the family struggle; whereas at the end I enjoyed the triumphant journey into manhood for the youth.
ReplyDeleteNow for the dislikes...To be honest, for the most part of the book, I wasn't a fan. Aside from the older English, the writing was hard to follow and just choppy. For a lot of the time I didn't have a clue- even with spark notes and the audio. But I guess it was written in 45 mins? Well, good for him. But not so good for the critical minds of us students...
1)I think that the part i like the most was when he was leaving and his mom was packing his things it was like she finnaly came around and actually realized that he was going to leave and she kind of excepted that and didd her best.
ReplyDelete2) The three most challenging things about this book was that it was kind of hard for me to read it all sounded like a bunch of giberish but i tried and it was an ok book.
my favorite part of the book was when henry goes back to his school to show that he join d the army the second best was when he is leaveing to the army and his mom packs his stuff the 3 thing would be when they go to there 1st battle
ReplyDeletethe woste part of this book would be when the people are getting shot 2nd the language that he wrote it in 3 the vocabulary was hard to understand
I thought that a great thing about this book was it was written in the perpective of not just one person, but a narrorator. And i thought that was cool. And it did a really good job on making it so that everything was realistic, and not overexagerated.
ReplyDeleteA bad thing about this book was, when you were trying to listen to the way they were speaking, their slang was very different then ours, and so i was very unsure about what was going on.
The best things about the book in my opinion were the discriptions,The creative slang,and the vocabulary words.
ReplyDeleteThe worst things about the book in my opinion were the uses of unfamilliar phrases,the sttoryline, and the roman numerals for the chapters.
ReplyDelete1)It was hard to inderstand there accent.
2)The words
3)The roman numerals
1)When his mom was packing for him.
2)When he was healing.
3)I liked the ending.
Three things i liked about the book was
ReplyDelete1. how it wasnt romanticized
2. it had what Henry was thinking about how he couldn't decide if he would run or if he would stay and fight the battle
3. i liked how they didn't take out any of the gruesome parts they just said what happened
three challenging things or enjoyable things that happened in this book were
ReplyDelete1. he had to leave his mom
2. they did't romanticise it so it was gruesome
3. his friend died i wouldn't want that to happen to me
ReplyDelete1 Henry got hit in the head and said he got shot.
2 The lady chased the guy down to get her horse back.
3 The men were cheering when the Colonel was furious.
1 The beginning, nothing really happenes.
2 He had to leave his mom.
3 He got credited as brave when he is not.