Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Back in the Day" vs Now

In what ways do you think the decision to join the army (Navy, Airforce, or Marines) is the same today as it was when Henry made the decision to go to fight in the Civil War?

Do you know anyone who is serving in the military today? What made him/her join?


  1. It is the same because they want to be a part of their country and because they dont really understand what happens.In WW2 they had a draft which meant you had to join.

    My grandpa join the army in Korea because they had a draft.

  2. The way i think the decision to join the army today is the same as back then is that people want to serve their country. They think it would be great to help serve our country in war. Also some may want to be with their family like back then.

    I do not kno anyone in war.

  3. I think it is the same in ways because some people even then were pressured into joining the army, some do it because they want to help the Country be a safe beautiful place to live a good life. Some people do it becasue they have nothing else to do at the moment or don't think they have anything to live for besides helping the world. Yes, i do know someone in the army today, and my grandpa was in WWII and i think they both went because they knew it was the right thing to do and they felt they needed to help the world become a safe beautiful place to live so everyone can live a good life and enjoy everything the world has to offer. I think another reason would be they wanted to follow in their fathers footsteps and try to be like them and sometimes it just makes them feel good inside knowing they are doing something for their country, and maybe even the world. My cousin is in the air force, he really likes it because he loves to fly planes, and he know that he could do it but he does. My other cousin is also in it, he is a translater, he translates things from Japanies to English, he also enjoys to do that because he knows what they are planning so we can be safe whenever something harmful might be coming our way.

  4. thee commercial on T.V. makes the army sound very easy and romaticisised when on the news they say that many people get killed in car bombs and shootings so in the civil war they were probably the same romaticesing.

  5. I think what makes people join the army is for the excitment in life. Now a days sitting in a cubicle for 8 hours or more is not very exciting. Running around trying not to die by being mowed down by an enemy bullets is more exciting.

    My dad used to be in the military in Poland, back then after you graduate College you have to be in the Military for atleast one year. He stayed for three.

  6. Well, the Civil War wasn't optional and like right now. Also, joining the army, Marine, etc. probably needs like a degree for it. Joining the Civil War was like automatic, the goverment sees you, u have no choice to join.

    Yes i know who joined........Duke Mark!! ^_^

  7. It is hard for parents to see there kids go to fight for freedom. also putting there life on the line for war. Like most of the commercials on T.V. telling people to talk to there kids when they bring it up. So it seems hard but probably not as bad. Because they used to die even from the smallest shot!

  8. I think that it is alittle bit the same but not much because they both want to be part of the army and they all go prepard with all there courage and might. They dont really understan dwants really going on with there country so they try to help.
    I don't know anyone.

  9. I think the decision in joining the army could be the same is a lot of ways. One way I think it it is the same is most mothers do not want their children going off to war. Part of the reasoning for this is they think it is dangerous for their children to be going off to fight. Also there are many rumors about how when you go to war you get into bad things such and drinking, smoking, and gambeling. Also another point of decision is a lot of the men that joined the army joined becuase there father or grandfather were in the army and they wanted to fallow their family. One more reason they are the same today as they used to be was, a lot of the men thought it was right to do for their county and it was right for their own personal reasons. Also some people join becuase they see joining the army will be the best option for there future. If they are not properly educated they can join the army and they army will pay for your college.

  10. And i don't know anyone that joined the army.

  11. I think that it is the same as it was back then because the people that are in it, are there to help out their Country, and to be a part of it.
    I dont know know anyone who is in the army right now.

  12. 1.I think they are still the same because the people who sign up for the army or whatever there signing up for, are doing it to help our country and to fight for it. I think another way it is the same is that it could be optional, but sometimes when short on men they are not.
    2.Lucky enough i know no one in the army

  13. Parents are still worried about there kids going into the military. They still fight for there countries and they are also afraid. People still get worried about wars.

  14. I think that going into the army today is pretty close to going in the army back when the civil war was going on one thing that is different is that the draft wasent as big

    My Cousin joined the navy cause he signed up and went to navy school during collage

  15. The reasons are the same because they both want to possibly imitating a relative or serving their country. Also, it is optional (usually) to join and most mothers don't want their kids to join because even today, it it very dangerous and you can be killed or severely wounded easily.
    I do not know anyone in the Armed Forces.

  16. i think joining the army or any of the armed forces would be your own choice. I think it is your owm choice because you can pick if you want to go to war and serve and if you dont want then you don't have to. For henry to go to war it was to do what was right for him and he wanted to serve for his country.
    I do know a friend that is in the armed forces. I dont really talk to them about why they went to war.

  17. Joining the army today and back then was pretty much the same. You can pick rather you want to be in it or not.

    I don't know anyone in the army.

  18. 1) It is kind of the same because they are both serving their group. Also it is optional in the book and now to jion the army. Their is probably a lot of training and waiting now like in the book.

    2) Yes, One of my friends dad. He wanted to serve our contry.

  19. I think they are both the same because the people that join the army do it so they can fight for something they believe in. I also think because some people want to fight for people that they love and want to protect.

    My uncle was in the military and he says he joined because it was something he felt he had to do to protect his family and make a difference.

  20. i think that joining the army is the same now than then because it is sort of the same because you are going to war.

  21. I think these days it is pretty much the same reasons you would join. People join the armed forces because they wanted to sever they country, make they family proud, to earn money, to do something your proud of, and many more reasons.

    My uncle was in the british navy. Im not sure why he wanted to serve, but he joined the navy because my grandparents didnt want him in the regular army.

  22. 1) It is the same because people are fighting for their country. It is also the same because then and now people are risking their live's. And also because you can chose if you want to join or not.

    2) yes, but i don't know why they joined.

  23. I think that Henry's disition to go fight in the Civil war is the same as joining our armed forces is that you are going to go fight for what you beleive in and what others want to take away. Like in the Civil war Henry is fighting agenst slavery and today we are fighting for our freedom in Iraq and for freedom of religon.

    Yes, I do have friends and family that have gone and joined the military. I really don't know why but I think it was to pretect our nation.

  24. 1) I think that Henry desition to fight in the Civil War was almost the same as joing the Air Force or the Navy now. Civil War was fighting against slavery today we are fighting to keep our country free for religon purposes.

    2) Yes, but i don't really know why...

  25. Well... I think way back when they did it for bravery, now a days we still do it for that reason just we also get the chance to actually to the military and get collage tution plus other things involving collage.

  26. I really don't have in any family and friends in the army, but i know someone who is he is in it for the collage tuition.

  27. 1.People want to help their country especially young men and women.That is the same and will always be the the same. Young peole just want to do what they think is right in their minds.
    2. I do not know anyone in the army currently.

  28. My Cousin, and both grandpa's served in different wars. My grandparents in the Korean and my Cousin in Iraq. Both of my grandpa's wanted to join the army and so did my soudin. However after my cousins time was up he was lucky enough to come home and did not ever want to go back. Today people still want to go fight for their country and choose to. The only differences is that before if you were drafted you had to go, and today you have more choice. However, the injuries are also not as great today.

  29. Today people join the USMC, Army, Airforce, and Navy for the same reasons: To serve their country, because their father's before them did, or because they feel a need to do so.

  30. I think that one reason why people joined the armed services was to follow family footsteps or tradition that is kind of why henry joined.

    Another reason is because people want to do a good deed for their country and give back.

    Yes my dad's dad was in world war 2 he joined because he was a true patriot for our country

  31. It was obviously a lot different because of the different wars. I think now days its a lot different because the war is in Afghanistan and Iraq while the war back then was in our own country. The decission had to be much different. Many people join the army in honor of our country, and to get recogintion for job applications. It's like going to college, but you're able to say that you've been through much more. There are even commercials to join the army to be able to say you fought in the war and that is your expierince, and to honor America. When back then, they went to fight because their fathers did, or because they thought they would be recognized as heroes, and thought it would be like a "greek battle". That is a significant difference of reasons from then to now. I do not know anyone fighting in the war.

  32. The young men back in the dayt might join the army to be with there father, brothers and other family members. This can be true today also. To fight for your family.

    I don't know anyone who has joined the army but my brother is taking into consideration of joining the national guard. He wants to do this because he will get money to attend college. Also, he wants to join so he will have a better chance to become a police officer...or something like that.

  33. joining the army in modern days and in the Civil war were a like because many people that joined either one probobly think that war is a lot easier then it acctually is. These people get a big surprise when they first see combat because they werent expecting what it is.

  34. 1.) I think that most of the reasons are still the same. I think that today people sometimes join the army because they want to represent their countries and show themselves they are brave. They also think that fighting for the country makes them heors and they feel that its their duty. I think thats what they did back in the day too. I also think that sometimes today people join the army because they may not be able to find another job because of the lack of education they had. Im sure people probably did that back in the day as well.

  35. 1. I think thatc it is the same still because the people that join the army today want to fight for their country. Although some choices are a little quick and not thought through in either situation they still want to serve their country.
    2. Yes my cousin Nick is in the Iraq war right now, and i think the reason he wanted to join is the same reason henry joined he wanted to, he wanted to serve his country.

  36. Back then, many people wanted to join the army because they thought it would make them seem like a hero and brave, but there were also people who wanted to join the army because they felt like they needed/wanted to serve their country. Today, people think before they join the army. Yes, it makes them seem like heros, and they ARE heros because they are fighting for our freedom, but they also want to make a difference for our country. They don't just join because they want the respect, they join to make a difference.

    My uncle joined the marines, and my grandpa and Great Grandpa were both in the war...i'm not sure which war. I don't know why they joined.

  37. Joining the army today is alot like joining the army back in the day because people join for the same reasons, to help our country.

    My uncle is a docter for the war in Iraq.

  38. I think back then they were told how glorious and they romantizied the stories. It made people want to become part of it but it's really not what they wanted or expected. I think today people are told what really happens. And people think well I don't want to die like that or get hurt. So they have reasons for careers or something. As an example my step-brother is in the army so he can get more help to get his job

  39. well that is tough because today they say the army is just grand like there solgan you made them strong will make them army strong but back then it was like join the army help your country and today you arent fighting againest the same people like they were back then so but you are still doin the same thing you are helping your side of the population just like did in the civil war so but i dont like i would join the army because there solgan is really dumb i think how are they going to make you army strong you cant get stronger just by joining the army you can get just as strong by working out so in a way they are hte same but not much

  40. I think that joining the army today is a lot like it was back then because people are still joining to help our country.

    I dont know anyone who is serving in the military.

  41. this is a very complicated question.
    it may be noble to fight for your country, but what what if your country is fighting for something wrong and unjust?
    i think that it is about the same as way back when. the army sugar coats everything when recruiting.

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  43. I think the decision to jion the army is the same as today and back then becuase both times want to seve their country and protect the things they believe in.

  44. I think that people join the army like back in the the day because they want to be with family and, fight for there country.

  45. It is the same because people still want to prove their bravery and pride. Some may still even imagine it is a glorious way to serve your country. Mainly, the only thing that is really still the same about then and now, is that these people want to save us, and they want to protect their people. They want to protect what they believe in, and not submit to others.

    I have two uncle in the army. One uncle is my mom's brother, and he is in the Marines. My other uncle is my dad's brother, and i believe he flies the plains... Also, my grandfather served in Vietnam, my great grandfather served in World War II, and my great great grandfather served in World War I. The best I know, they all went to protect their family's. They all went to be Hero's. The one that was affected the most was my grandfather. He had bad flashbacks, and I felt that he regretted going, but only because he had to watch friends die, and also, after all that, nobody welcomed him back when he got back, because they saw the reality of war, unlike in the previous wars.

  46. The decision to join the army is the same as today because people do it because they think it’s the right thing for their life or because they might want to be like or with another family member.

  47. I think that joining then is different then now, for one becuase war was a hugue thing, men joined to be heroic to be seen as brave and couragous. Sure people may do that now, but more so because they want to fight for the United States, so they could defend our country. Back then they were fighting against each other so therefore they fought for their personal rights and what they thought about the Civil War, slavery or not slavery. So sure the catorgory war falls hand in hand and has some simalar and different looks upon in but all in all people were fighting because they WANTED to, not because they HAD to.

  48. People now, most have a family history of being in the army unlike Henry. I think Henry joined to prove his bravery and people today, I think, have those same kinds of reasons too. They want to feel important. And by doing this risky and honorable task they are very important.

  49. i think that know it would be more easy to join with a clear mind back in the day beacuse everything was romantisized.wile now its not.

  50. I think people join the army today to honor and protect our country. in henrys time people wanted to be brave and courages. My grandfather was in world war two but i never got to meet him.

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  52. adding to my blog above i think henry fought to prove his bravery and his worth to everyone.

  53. Well I'm not exactly sure if the elements of joining the military are the same today as they were in the 1800's. There have been, are, and always will be reasons for each individual to join, as well as avoid...

    For one, family pressure could be a big factor. Or...looking for an answer to your life. So far in the book, the family part was going against Henry, but he was indeed searching for a new path for his life. What else? Ummmm honor. Country pride. It seems as though those feelings are more of an after-thought these days...because fear and sadness can easily beat out honorable intensions or thoughts.

    Ya, my brother was in the military- the Navy. Infact, he was just discharged within the last week. He had looked into the Navy as a way to start over with his life...I think. Well he tried a year of college, and found that the friend and fun aspect of it was more capturing than the education part of the college equation. I think he just wasn't ready.

    So...my parents offered him a few choices- all centering his getting his act together. Soon he realized my 'rents were serious- so he decided to get himself recruited.

    That's a small story of my life...(haha)

  54. Well obviously back then and present day war are highly different from eachother. It really depends on the war that took place. the war we are currently in isn't to declare land from someone else or to crown a leader, like the old days. According to the person who may or maynot decide to join the war, it depends on their outlook. whether or not they'd like be a part of such a big deal. I think alot of the soldiers we have out there today are there because they want to fight for our country and have that pride and commitment. But if it ever occured to them it may have a part in what we are fighting for in the small picture, oil? a leader? freedom? and so on. Just what they believe in. But basically now and then differences are just a matter of the years...

  55. It has a lot of similarities because people still join to serve there country and some people still join to follow a family members foot steps. But some people join to see how it feels being in the army.
    Yes my uncle is in the army he joined because he wanted to be like my grandpa

  56. i think that people join the army for many diffrent reasons mabey because it is in the faimmly history or mabey to make a love one proud and mabey to start over as abetter person and to die with dignity insated of regret. (or live with it) another reason could be that they wanted to fight for what their country belived in
    but i think henry enrolled because he wanted to prove himself to evryone... i think that he wanted to prove that he was worthy enough. and thats why i think he showed up to the school in hi suniform to prove to his peirs and teachers that he was tough enought o be int he army. because there is strong and there is army strong (lol funny) but thats why i think henry joined.
